Things to write in a journal/notebook

Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today I really wanted to share with you a few ideas to get started on writing in your new journal or notebook.

Writer's block can strike and often leave you wondering what to write; don't worry though I have you covered. This year I wanted to become more creative, so I have bought myself a few notebooks and I want to write in them every day. I want it to be something I can look back at in time and remember the good things in my life or just nice memories.

Recently, I have bought a book called 642 things to write every day. This book prompts you on things to write every day, so it pretty much does all the thinking for you. I  would definitely recommend this book!

So, here are a few things you can start jotting down....

1. Lists...
  • 10 things you want to achieve this month;
  • 10 things that make you smile;
  • 10 aims for each day (a list of goals you want to achieve every day);
  • 10 new foods I want to try this month/week;
  • 10 places you want to visit in your life;
  • 10 of your favorite songs this month;
These can be changed of course to suit yourself more personally. These are just ideas, you can change the number whatever you want; the main aim is to get the creativity flowing!

2. Special words...

  • Dear future self, a letter to your future self. Write about where you hope to be and then look at this in a few years time, see if you achieved your goals;
  •  A letter to your past self, maybe it was a particularly tough time in your life write about how you overcame this. Make it a positive note, this can also help you to look back on for any future tough/ challenging times ahead;
  • A letter to your younger self - you pick the age. Write something to prove your younger self wrong in a good way make it positive, something that will put a smile on your face;
  • Write about your goals for the future and come back to them, see if you have achieved what you set out to;
  • Write about a special memory or special day something that means a lot to you.

3. Plan your time...
  • Take the space to draw up a timetable, if you're a student plan your studying time and social time. Something as simple as this will make you more prepared and ready;
  • If you're a fellow blogger getting planning some blog posts or maybe videos. Write down any ideas you may have good or bad, tick them off when they're completed;
  • Plan your time off, if it's the summer holidays and you have time to spare use it wisely plan what you want to do.

4. Thoughts 
  • Thought of the day, write whatever pops into your head each day you could start a whole book on this;
  • Create a mind map, this could be a map of your future, things you want to achieve anything you could make it all bright and colourful and make it artistic.

5. Creative things
  • Write a list of all four letter words you can think of write them in artistic way, draw images next to the words;
  • Create a mood board, print out inspiring imagery stick them into your journal or notebook then write a sentence of what it means to you;
  • Go somewhere with scenery, take an image stick it in your journal then write as many unusual adjectives you can think of about the image;
  • Dedicate a page to sentimental things could be a concert ticket anything you can stick in a page use this space to do that.

So, I hope a few of these helped you get your creativeness flowing to start jotting down a few things in your notepads. Let me know if they helped in the comments and any ideas you have

Until next time,

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